We provide transparent solutions

What is CRM

The main purpose aimed with the management of customer relations is to increase profitability. The firm does this by listening to and understanding its customers, responding quickly to their requests, reaching out to potential customers and extending their list of loyal customers. In the past, brands weren't too customer-focused because it required a great deal of effort to do all this. With the development of digital, customer relationship management can now be carried out easily and quickly thanks to CRM systems. The most important point of CRM systems here is that it facilitates the way to profitability.

In the CRM system, your personnel can send a message via WhatsApp without seeing your customer's phone number, according to the authority you have set. Thus, it creates a safe environment for customers who care about privacy. .

In the Customer tab, there are supports such as “Quick Customer Note” and “Reminder” that only you can see for your customers. From the responsible personnel history, you can view which personnel were previously responsible for which customer. Depending on the authorization, there is an area where users can make a request to the CRM manager with the specified support options. You can also access the team, role and lead lists or add them from their own tabs. .

You can view lists and graphs with detailed reporting system according to selected Lead status, resources, pie chart of customers above employee and many more filters. In addition, you can view the company's expense analysis report, investor general status report, treasury accounts and vendor analyzes with detailed statistics screens, thanks to the CRM software. .